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i finally got sufficiently pissed of with my imac and blew
away macos9 and installed debian unstable.

now as a normally devout fan of enlightenment, im quite enjoy
having large virtual desktops and indeed, 2 or more virtual desktops
indeed my ibook enjoys 2 virtual desktops each 2 screens wide.

just for fun (and since i only use my imac as a glorified, tv-dvd
combo anyway) i decided to let debian have mostly its own
way and install gnome (i fought it valiently with dselect to
hold off qt or anything beinging with a k). its quite nice
and personally i think its about as user 'friendly' as windblows
is these days. thats not an insult to gnome btw.

anway, so i threw on a nice desktop. and there was much rejoicing.
now i scrolled across on my virtual desktop, changed backgrounds
and too my horror - all the backgrounds were the same. no probs
ill just make a few virtual desktops.... hmmmm. well i gnome control
panel doesnt give me any love.

any gnome savy users out there... thats kind of a stupid question

as for gnome version. look in unstable under us.debian.org

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