The short answer is that my lprng printing on Debian Woody is now
squarking that all the printer queues are non-existant, e.g no

And yes it squarks about running checkpc -f, which in turns squarks
about .banner on ttyS0 (modem-efax), but that isn't the problem.

here is that message
     damselfly:/etc# lpr -Php5ps  /etc/hosts 
     Status Information:
      sending job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      connecting to 'localhost', attempt 1
      connected to 'localhost'
      requesting printer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed
       error 'NONZERO RFC1179 ERROR CODE FROM SERVER' with ack
       sending str '^Bhp5ps' to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      error msg: 'spool queue for 'hp5ps' does not exist on server
      error msg: '   non-existent printer or you need to run 'checkpc

What changed?

Well, I had to reinstall Samba (for the MS clients) two days ago,
because 4 days ago I decided that I didn't need exim and removed it and
it took out samba at the same time. Perhaps someone can explain why
these are linked.

Anyway, I "apt-get install samba" and now samba works, but this is the
first time I've tried printing.

The only other change is that about 4-5 days ago I was chasing fax
software (efax) and up installing mgetty-fax, but i have printed since

Looking for a bit of clue that might save me from have to inspect the
entire entrails of Debian Woody printing system - aka how to fix the
problem (and no I don't want cups thanks).

No useful result from google either (yet)
The beain says this has occurred before but it hasn't remembered the
problem atm {;-).

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} email: terryc at  www:  
   Wombat Outdoor Adventures <Bicycles, Computers, GIS, Printing,

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"
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