On Fri, Apr 30, 2004 at 01:49:58PM +1000, Peter Rundle wrote:

>    Can't access the file ERROR

This message only appears in the source (I'm looking at clamav-0.70-rc
but it's probably the same in other versions) in one place in

    /* check permissions  */
    if(access(filename, R_OK)) {
        mdprintf(odesc, "%s: Can't access the file ERROR\n", filename);
        return -1;

>     #> clamdscan msg.pif
>     /root/msg.pif  Can't access the file ERROR
> (yes the file exists with 744 permissions)

Are you running clamd as root or as a non-privileged user?  Is the
directory containing the file readable by that user?  /root is normally
only readable by root.

The solution, if you're running clamd as a non-privileged user, is to
put the files into a directory that the clamd user can read and scan
them from there.


I must be looking senile. Everyone's telling me what to do, when I
already know.  Nod and smile, nod and smile, think, "fuck off".
            -- John the Unstable
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