Quoting Howard Lowndes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Just re-stating your objective:
You want to logon to SERVER from CLIENT using ssh without being

Here are the processes I'd do.

1. Do this on CLIENT:

#ssh2-keygen -t rsa -b 1024

Just press enter for every prompt.

2. Append CLIENT:~root/.ssh2/id_rsa2.pub to SERVER:~root/.ssh2/authorized_keys

3. From CLIENT you may ssh SERVER without being prompted to gain access to

You do steps 1. and 2. only once.

Next time you want to access SERVER just do 3.

Have fun.

I'm new to Debian and the sshd2 setup is slightly different to what I am
used to.

According to the man pages, on the sshd2 server, I should have a file
$HOME/.ssh2/authorization which contains pointers to the files in
$HOME/.ssh2 which contain the public keys for the user wishing to

My $HOME/.ssh2/authorization files looks like:
Key id_rsa1.pub
Key id_rsa2.pub
Key id_dsa.pub

and the files are:

~/.ssh2# cat id_rsa1.pub
1024 37

~/.ssh2# cat id_rsa2.pub

~/.ssh2# cat id_dsa.pub

The /etc/ssh2/sshd_config files has the following line: AllowedAuthentications publickey,password

The problem is that the ssh server ignores these pubkey files and calls for password authentication, which is what I don't want to happen.

Where might I be going wrong?  I suspect the authorization file might be
wrong, but not by how I read the man page for ssh2.

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