On Mon Jun 28, 2004 at 11:58:02 +1000, Paul Robinson wrote:
>Hi Sluggers,
>Trying to lock down a RH9 box so that it automatically logs in as a kiosk user and 
>then starts up a FireFox browser window only (no window manager). I've achieved this 
>to an extent - The only thing that doesn't work is the keyboard. I can move the mouse 
>and click on links but I cannot type anything into the browser.
>Is anyone aware of anything screwy with the way X handles the keyboard if there's no 
>window manager. My memory of the days before gnome and kde were pretty standard was 
>that the keyboard would still work.

When doing Kiosk's I used ratpoison as the wm, which worked quite well.

It wasn't in an environment where there was the potential for malicious
use, so I didn't go to the trouble of disabling any of the keys, however
this wouldn't be too hard to do.

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