thanks for the loop scripts for my catch up logresolving !
I'm catching up on log processing, BUT:

I'm trying to (finally..) complete my web log processing and reporting.

I'm using cronolog to split web logs, most vhosts have something like:

CustomLog "|/usr/sbin/cronolog

how do I run logresolve again yesterday's web log for all vhosts ..?
do I simply put an entry in cron at say 0:15 or 1:00 to run
logresolveagainst all /home/domain.tld/logs/'yesterday'.log

is this what I use to get yeaterday's logs' file name:
date --date "yesterday" +"%Y-%m-%d-access.log" ?

how do I gzip logs after I logresolve them ?

once the logs are resolved and gzipped, i aim to run webalizer/analog,
and, possibly awstats

awstats docs state that awstats can delete web log after processing, is
that a 'good idea' to let awstats delete processed logs ? in the past,
I've kept the web logs for 12 month, though, not sure there is much point
keeping the logs (especially as most of the users, except for maybe 2,
don't even look at the logs/stats)

suggestions, encouragment and sample code welcomed

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