Someone much smarter than I, on Thu, Aug 26, 2004 at 08:15:29AM +1000, spake thus.
> On Thu, 2004-08-26 at 08:08, Voytek wrote:
> > what can be used to provide 'parental-control' to an intranet, that is, to
> > control what sites can be accessed by intranet users ?
how about using parents,
you know, those things that changed your nappy for you whiped your bum, 
keep you from getting into things you shouldn't, taught you all about 
the birds and the bees,
told you never to talk to strangers, etc etc,
parents are the best parental controls the internet can have.
software did not do any of the above mentioned tasks.
nore will it in our life times.

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Shaun Oliver
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