On Thu, 2004-09-09 at 13:15, John Clarke wrote:
>     tar: /dev/st0: Cannot read: Input/output error

This means that there is no Tape Mark on the tape, meaning that the tape
was probably written using a no-rewind device, and you failed to
explicitly write a tape mark (see mt(1) for more information).

The "fix" is to write the tape properly in the first place.  The
auto-rewind device usually writes two tape marks when you call close().

I have been using SCSI tape drives (ExaByte and DAT) for years on Linux
with few problems.

While I have been mostly happy with tapes under linux, recently I
purchased a DVD+R burner, and while I need 4 per backup set, they are
much faster to write, and *much* easier to restore from or just browse. 
I read in all my tapes, wrote out DVDs, and transferred the tape drives
into external enclosures and put them in a box in a cupboard with the
old backup tapes.  In 10 years I'll probably throw them all away (did
this last year with all my ancient 0.5" stuff.  OK, so I've been an IT
bower bird for the last 20 years).

Peter Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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