On Fri, 10 Sep 2004, Matt Hyne wrote:

> Folks, I have a question on adding a W2K server into a Linux
> environment.  I don't know a lot about W2KS, but I do have a lot of
> Linux experience so I am hoping someone has already done this.
> We have been forced to upgrade our old 1998 NT 4.0 server to a W2K
> server.  Now the new server will run Active Directory (whereas the old
> NT 4.0 machine ran as a single NT domain) and I would like to know how I
> can integrate this into our current DNS which is BIND running on a linux
> box.
> I do not want to have to create a new subdomain and run the MS DNS
> service (such as ad.mydom.com.au).  I would prefer to have W2K use the
> BIND DNS server and have everything under our top level domain
> (mydom.com.au).
> Has anyone done this or something like it and can offer some advice ?
> Also, we use a lot of Samba and our Samba boxes authenticate using our
> NT4.0 server.  Now, I want to convert this to using the W2K server.
> Will I have any problem since the new server runs AD ?

Install AD in legacy mode {mixed mode}, tell the DHCP clients on the MS
boxen not to register themselves with the DNS, and continue
modifying/using your BIND DNS as you are now.

Ugly, but it should work, provided there's only the one AD server


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