I recommend checking out hobix (http://hobix.com/) by whytheluckystiff
(http://whytheluckystiff.net/), even if you don't intend to use it.
It's a blog written entirely in ruby and based on YAML, Textile, and

Don't be afraid of his crazy antics/ramblings...he's actually a very
cool ruby coder and you might actually learn a thing or two after
laughing yourself silly. Who said setting up a blog can't be
hilarious? ;)

Also, a little off topic, if you're after a cool wiki written in ruby
I recommend checking out instiki



On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 21:15:31 +0200, Mary Gardiner
> On Thu, Oct 21, 2004, Mary Gardiner wrote:
> > Have you ever used Pivot? I'm asking because I want to know whether it
> > is capable of working with vhosting. It seems to really expect that
> > all the weblogs are going to live 'near' its own directory, not in
> > totally different domains.
> OK, a quick review of Pivot:
>  1. It's quite pretty and seems reasonable intuitive at first.
>  2. Making any changes at all to the templates require that an
>  administrator moves template pages around for you.
>  3. Its multiple weblog handling is rather bizarre.
> #2 is a severe handicap: several of my users know basic HTML and like to
> photoshop up some images and whack them in, and all the weblogs look
> different, I don't want to have to maintain an enormous directory with
> template files for 10 (yes, literally) different weblogs.
> To elaborate on #3: at no point do you ever make an entry and say "I
> want it to go in Mary's weblog" or "I want it to go in June's weblog."
> Instead, you write and entry and say "this entry is in category Music".
> Elsewhere, you decide that all entries in category Music get posted in
> both "Mary's weblog" and "Beth's weblog", but not in "June's weblog".
> So, when you make a new entry, you choose its category, and then the
> pre-existing configuration chooses the weblog(s) it goes in.
> While I can imagine a use-case for this configuration (it would be OK
> for a single user who had several weblogs targetted at slightly
> different readers, so they could post "My Favourite Drug" categorised
> entries to the Friends weblog and the Dealers weblog but not the Family
> one) it's pretty much a deal-breaker for me: training users that "to get
> an entry to appear on your personal weblog, you need to mark it as being
> in the mary_entry category" is very much outside the way they currently
> use the weblogs. Categories, like subdirectories and mail folders, are a
> pretty sophisticated way of organising data.
> -Mary
> --
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