> > >You are the ONLY person on this thread maintaining your point of view.
> > >Every other poster has pointed out why you are wrong.  Those other
> > >posters are not all misinformed or dictatorial. Among them are major
> > >contributors to the Linux kernel, senior systems administrators, security
> > >professionals, etc.  If anyone on this thread is displaying sheer
> > >ignorance or misinformation, it is you. You are one voice among against
> > >many highly informed individuals who disagree.
> >
> > I would'nt say that.  Because you are clearly telling tall stories here.
> I think you need to learn more about the people on the list, Oscar. :-)

I'll probably regret it but Jeff isn't telling any stories, all the above
people are on the list, I count myself at different stages in all 3
categories mentioned, from previous discussion on the list I know a fair
bit of background about a number of other people, so Oscar you are being
corrected by a far more experienced bunch of people than you think...

A blanket statement that compiling  your own kernels is required for a
secure system was made by u, a lot of people have pointed out your
statement is incorrect in the general case, you feel retracting that
statment will make you look stupid in public, whereas in fact arguing it
is doing the damage far more efficently...

my advise to Jeff is to give up on this discussion ;-), I think the
archive will stand to point out the incorrect statement sufficently well
at this stage...


David Airlie, Software Engineer
http://www.skynet.ie/~airlied / airlied at skynet.ie
pam_smb / Linux DECstation / Linux VAX / ILUG person

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