Howard Lowndes wrote:
On Tue, 2004-11-09 at 10:37, Matthew Palmer wrote:

On Tue, Nov 09, 2004 at 02:30:16AM +1100, Howard Lowndes wrote:

I have a CSS file which has to be named *.css so that Apache knows to
send it as a text/css mime type but I want to do some PHP processing on
before it goes out; unfortunately Apache appears not to know to pass it
through the PHP handler as it not named *.php so the embedded PHP code
doesn't get processed.

I assume I have to do something with Action, AddHandler and SetHandler
directives, but just what exactly.

When I want to add PHP processing to a file type, I just add the file extension to the AddType application/x-httpd-php line in my httpd.conf. You could do a similar thing with your .css files, but there's a problem -- I think, by default, any request that gets passed through PHP ends up with a content-type of text/html no matter what. Basically, at the time you delegate responsibility for a file to PHP, Apache says "not my problem any more" and lets PHP specify the content type.

So, in your PHPified CSS files, you'll need to run something like
header('Content-Type: text/css'); to specify the content-type of the file. By the time you do this to all of your CSS files, you're better off (as has
been explained already) putting your dynamic CSS stuff into a .php file,
referencing it in your <LINK> tags as such, and just telling the file to
announce to the world (via the aforementioned header) that it's a CSS file,
and proud!

I can see what you are saying here, and I have the line in my
<head></head> block that reads:
<link> rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" name="cssname.php"</link>
which is what I think you are saying but when the file name ends in .php
it seemingly ignores the "type" statement so I guess PHP must be sending
out different mime type headers, and it looks like I will have to do as
Amos suggests.

I'm not sure about the rest but I think he made it pretty clear that you can add a php command like:

header('Content-Type: text/css');

at the very beginning of the CSS file (before a buffer gets flushed).
(that's the PHP command I didn't know due to lack of experience with
This will set the HTTP header of the response when the server sends
away the CSS file after it was processed by PHP, which seems to be
what eventually the browser looks at.


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