
Michael Lake blithly suggested ...
> What about using the colour package and put in some white letters
> between the left and right text ? Yucky but it should work.

The above does not work either. latex2rtf does not recognise the color command. I also tried butting it into a table but tables that span the page width are not recognised either - just normal tables.
I tried a picture env as that can place text arbitarily but then my rtf viewer 'ted' seg faulted.

Only option I think is to not have them on the same level but just use /raggedleft My address .... \raggedright

Terry Collins wrote:
I have recently found out that my To and From details/address in
correspondence are not being converted into RTF when I used latex2rtf.
I was using  /parbox[]{}  /hfill /parbox[]{} and latex2rtf just
completely ignores /parbox. No error, zilch. So it escaped my attention
until now.
I'm looking for suggestions for alternative ways of providing To & From
on opposite sides of the page at the same level.

Michael Lake
Chemistry, Materials & Forensic Science, UTS
Ph: 9514 1725 Fx: 9514 1460

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