Three cheers for the people who put this together. A truly generous bunch. I admire them enormously.

However, it is well named Warthog. It is a swine for a beginner who is trying to connect to the internet via cable modem as I am. Live CD no problem, it worked easily. But, full install: frustration trying to get it alongside XP but after sacrificing XP and giving it the full disk, OK until a screaming halt trying to get Firefox up and running. We beginners are not full bottle on terminology and stuff. I know experts think they know this about us, but they really do not, they have forgotten how far down the bottom of the pecking order really is. Even the 'help' is not as helpful as beginners need. Try getting some beginners to advise if the 'help' really has been of help. Then rewrite it. A challenging opportunity exists for programmers to be able to communicate with ordinary folk who are supposed to be able to run a desktop. How does one invent an intuitional way to do things? This is not an invitation to go intellectual slumming but a suggestion that it is the only way to fulfill the dream of making Linux truly competitive with Windows for ordinary folk. A true reality bite. The intellectual giants will still be able to do their own esoteric stuff but they will also be able to think of how much they have benefitted the struggling mob.

Glad I got that off my chest.

Anyway, good on you Ubutu. Your heart and your principles are in the right place. I will persist and will be happy to be your friend and tell people about you and hand out the CDs you so kindly provided.


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