On Sun, 2004-11-28 at 11:03 +1100, Brian Goddard wrote:

> -what's SLUG relationship with CAT: http://cat.org.au/

Many SLUGers will still be reading that URL and may not have even heard
of CAT before. There's no official or even casual connection between
SLUG and CAT. Both serve very different community needs. There is,
however, some cross-over between people involved in CAT and people who
are part of the SLUG community. One of the best examples would be the
late <predator>.

There's also a great deal of involvement within the SLUG community with
NGO's and other community groups in general. Was there a particular
relationship between SLUG and CAT you were seeking?


"Australian people have been told things only to be disappointed after 
an election ... I want to change that. I want to change it because I 
think it is important to the future of our country that we rebuild a 
sense of trust and confidence in words given and commitments made by 
our political leaders."
--More Irony by John Howard (1996 Election Policy Speech)

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