On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 05:04:43PM +1100, Paul Ford wrote:
> I was wondering if any one could tell me how I could use at to schedule wget 
> to download a file from the web?
> Step by step instructions if possible.

1) Create a file which contains the commands you want to run.  In this case,
it could be as simple as:

wget http://www.example.com/wanted/file.html

The commands in the file will be run using /bin/sh, so be a little careful
with quoting and so forth if you're trying to put characters in which shells
like to play with (?, *, !, that sort of thing).

2) Read the 'at' manual page to work out how to specify the time at which
you want the command to run.  You can do something as simple as HH:MM (run
the command the next time the time is HH:MM -- 24 hour time), there's
'midnight', 'noon', or 'teatime' (4pm).  You can specify MMDDYY, or you can
specify now + <count> <time units>, and so on.  Lots of ways of doing it. 
I'd give you a specific, but I don't know what your timing requirements are. 
If you can't work it out, a quick post back to the list with your needs will
reveal all.

3) Run the following command as the user you wish the at job to run as:

at -f <file created in step 1> <time spec from step 2>

4) Wander off and know that your job will run when the computer thinks you
told it to.

- Matt

"When you have a Leatherman, everything looks Leathermanipulable."
        -- Nathan McCoy, in the Monastery

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