The SMH ran the story , and the online article
( ) appears
with an ad for MS Small Business Server 2003 embedded in it. Wonder if
MS asked for their money back ?

On Mon, 2004-12-13 at 14:16 +1100, Rick Welykochy wrote:
> Culled from the LINK list:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Linux vs. Windows TCO Comparison: The Final Numbers Are In.
> Australia -- 13th December, 2004
> The Cybersource Linux vs. Windows TCO Comparison is back and better than
> ever. In April 2002, Cybersource undertook the first study contrasting
> the overall Total Cost of Ownership differences between Linux and open
> source platforms on the one hand, and Windows and Microsoft platforms
> on the other. We have now updated this report to accommodate the changes
> in both platforms. We have also extended the model to increase its
> relevance and accuracy. The final numbers are now in and available from:
> This study covers the average computer-usage requirements for an
> organisation with 250 users, over a 3 year period. The costing models
> include expenses such as workstations, servers, networking, IT staff,
> consultancy fees, Internet Service charges, file, mail and print
> servers, e-commerce servers, SQL and network infrastructure servers,
> Internet and Intranet servers, line-of-business software, desktop
> productivity applications, external training, printers as well as
> miscellaneous systems costs. We also contrast free-download Linux and
> paid-for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
> "We know that Cybersource is identified as a Linux solution provider, so
> we made great effort to prepare a balanced and open analysis," commented
> Cybersource CEO, Con Zymaris. "The prices used for the study, along with
> research methodology, vendor specifications, cost calculator tabulations
> and final results are all included, so that these results can be
> verified by others. Which is more than we can say for any of the TCO
> reports that Microsoft touts in its current carpet-bombing anti-Linux
> advertising campaign."
> Additionally, we made the following concessions to tip the scales in
> Microsoft's favour.
> 1) We didn't modify the model to reflect research by the Robert
>     Frances Group which shows that Linux needed 82% fewer
>     staff-resources.
> 2) We have not included the costs of malware; viruses, spyware, worms,
>     keyloggers, adware etc. Every research point we have found suggests
>     that this cost is essentially and predominantly a Windows platform
>     cost, resulting in billions lost by business every year.
> 3) We have also not included the substantial costs which arise when
>     systems need to be pre-emptively rebooted or worse, crash, resulting
>     in unscheduled downtime. All our research indicates that Linux rarely
>     if ever suffers such problems and open source platforms on the whole
>     are extremely robust.
> 4) Finally, because Microsoft has claimed that introducing Linux into an
>     environment will lead to increased reliance on external consultants,
>     we have tripled the amount budgeted for such requirements on the
>     Linux models.
> "And the results make for interesting reading,' continued Zymaris.
> "Standard Linux was 36% lower overall TCO than Microsoft's platforms and
> applications. Even the paid-for Red Hat Enterprise Linux managed systems
> were 27% lower cost than Windows."
> "We know that many organisations and many governments around the world
> are looking at adopting Linux and are therefore carefully analysing the
> numbers. We now provide what we think are the tools for making such a
> decision easier. And the final numbers are indeed startling. We've given
> Microsoft every head-start possible but Linux's cost advantage is simply
> too great for most organisations to ignore," concluded Zymaris.
> -- 
> _________________________________
> Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services
> When choosing between two evils, I always like to take the one I haven't 
> tried before.
>       -- Mae West
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