I would suggest that you have more than enough ram on your machine to be doing what you need to be doing. Some other people have mentioned to check that hi mem support is enabled which is important to check too.

What 3d app are you running? I haven't seen any scene in my years of working that couldn't be worked in 2Gigs of ram. Ram might seem cheap for one workstation but when you have 300-1000 rendernodes that all need to have 4 gigs of ram to handle some ones scene you suddenly start to wear costs.

On 14/12/2004, at 2:09 PM, Lyle Chapman wrote:

Has anyone got any ideas on how to speed up a swap space/drive,

I have a 3ghz, 2gb ram, 2gb swap on ata machine running FC3. I create a
lot of 3d material and run into swap usage with big scenes. This is ok
but after a while i end up having to restart the machine or turn the
swap off then on as it becomes extremely slow to do anything and at
times X will quit or the 3d app I am using.

Would it be feasible to use a SCSI drive and split it up into multiple
2gb swap partitions or has anyone got a better suggestion.


Lyle Chapman

Pre-Press Supervisor
Torch Publishing Co.
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