On Fri, 2005-01-14 at 11:38 +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Peter Rundle">
> > >Well, scp is poo for transferring files. :-) 
> > 
> > Using 100Mbit cable ethernet I can transfer the same file to the same
> > server at 4.6MB/sec using scp. With the wireless connection, which is
> > quoted as 108Mbit, I'm currently getting 40KB/sec. So that means it's
> > about 500 times slower all else being equal. :-(
> Sure, there's craploads of overhead they don't bother mentioning, all of
> which is not present on wired networks. LAN wifi infrastructure is a
> convenience. If you're looking for performance, you're looking in the wrong
> place. :-)

Nevertheless, 40KB/s is pretty slow. For reference I get ~550KB/s here
using scp, on a laptop with a 10Mb wireless chipset talking to a 55Mb
Linksys AP.


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