> On Sat, 22 Jan 2005, Terry Collins wrote:
> > Adelle Hartley wrote:
> When I was on the dole, I was teaching myself C++ and systems admin.
> This was back in 1992-1993.

Now called newstart.

> When interviewing for these courses at the CES,

CES is gone and it is now all privatised as Job Network provider.
If you want a course, you have to earn "credits" @ about $3/hour by
doing WFD activites, which are mostly the equivalent of painting rocks,

> If a cheme that involved Linux/OSS/programming &c had been there
> when I was on the dole, my career would probably have been accelerated
> even more than it was at the time, when no one had a clue about
> computers, let alone *nix.

Umm, they don't now either. Course available included Fork Lift, First
Aid, Green Card, drivers licence, etc. Even basic MCSE is far, far too
expensive {:-).

> However much I despise the Howard Govt and it's evil WFTD schemes,
> OSS is better than painting rocks and cleaning dead animals out of sewers
> or whatever other useless dead end tasks the unemployed have to
> do to keep the govt's employment statistics appearing to be
> better than they actually are...

 You are now counted as "employed" if you do 1 hour or more work per

As Matthew (sp?) said, WFD schemes are a major pain. Community Work
options are better way. You just need the money for public liability.
Something through ComputerBank would be easiest, but the problem is
having local actitivities.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} email: terryc at woa.com.au  www:
   Wombat Outdoor Adventures <Bicycles, Computers, GIS, Printing,

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"
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