
It is based around an open-source software pack that does all the routing, & time scheduling. The algorithms would be similar to network traffic routing, and the software would need to track the location of the vehicles, so the routing can be changed dynamically. There would also be need of a module to calculate charges (probably for the point-to-point distance, even though the route may vary), and to handle the operator input. The networking to the buses would be with wireless nodes, This software development is why I would like to speak to people about the idea on Friday! (Especially as we may be able to generate some funding to help the development)

The South Australian Government is planning to implement a similar project. The trials have costed in the hundreds of thousands (if not past a million) and are expected to get more. The kickback, of course, is a better public transport system.

What makes you think that such a system won't cost that much in Sydney?

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