sounds like you're out of luck. 

as a last resort, you could try mounting the cd, copying recursivley the 
contents to a temporary directory then using mkisofs to make the iso. 

fwiw. i've only ever had this problem on burnt disks. they appear fine in some 
cd devices and have difficulties in others. 

regards, brett

On Thursday 27 January 2005 08:57, Peter Rundle wrote:
> Sluggers,
> I've always been able to make a copy of a cd or floppy onto the hard disk
> by using dd. I.E
>    dd if=/dev/cdrom of=myimage.iso
> I've been trying to do this with some FC3 cd's but after copying about
> 630Mb the process starts throwing messages up onto the console about bad
> block read's. This goes on for several minutes and trying to kill the dd
> process doesn't seem to work, though it eventually dies. When I mount the
> resulting .iso images with -o loop they appear ok and I can see all the
> directories and file names but if I try to copy an .rpm from the mounted
> file system it's no good. So obviously the cd's are dud right!
> BUT! I've just done an install of a working system from the very same CD's
> and even ran through the little check media utility at the start which said
> the CD's were OK.
> What give's?
> Pete
> P.S I've tried using dd's bs=512, 1024 and 2048 but the result is
> unchanged.

Brett Fenton
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