<quote who="QuantumG">

> The only reason they can do it is because they control the repository.  

That's claptrap. It's because their tree has the momentum. If anyone forked,
creating way more momentum (cf. xorg), Novell copyright assignment would no
longer be relevant. But they maintain the momentum, because they've done
nothing wrong by the community, and there's no value forking.

> If GNU Arch was more widely used people wouldn't mind getting lots of
> patches from lots of different places and this kind of centralization
> wouldn't be something these companies could capitalize on.

Don't attempt to solve social problems with technology (much as I enjoy
arch). Plus, you're referring to "these companies" as if they're eating
seals or molesting children. They're writing Free Software for you and I!

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2005: Canberra, Australia                http://linux.conf.au/
     "If I can't be near you I would rather be adrift in space." - Neil
                          Finn, Try Whistling This
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