One last question before I give up. ls -l on the webserver directory shows :-
drwxr--r-- 10 root root 8192 Mar 2 15:35 Webserver/ and all its contents.
I undestand this to mean that the owner, owner's group and others have read access.
Experimentatation shows tis not to be the case - I logged on as apache and another user and did not have read access.
Does this mean that the second and third "r"s are spurious in the case of vfat ?
If so, this clears up a mystery for me and makes sense of what people have said : that vfat only knows about its owner, nothing else, hence only the owner, hence creator, can even read it. Correct ?
thanks to you all for your patience
Brought to you by a thunderbird, penguin, gnu and a camel

Peter Chubb wrote:
"Rod" == Rod Butcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Rod> Apache runs as uid & gid 72, so I changed fstab to :- /dev/hdh1
Rod> /Win2k vfat defaults,umask=002,uid=72,gid=72 0 0 and remounted
Rod> /Win2k.  Still no dice, Apache wouldn't read it. ???  I added

Do an ls -l on the mounted partition to make sure that the permissions on the
files are OK.

Check /etc/apache/httpd.conf to make sure thay Apache runs as uid72
when it accesses things.

It'll have lines like
      User www-data
      Group www-data
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