<quote who="Ben Buxton">

> I've got myself a remote server located faaar away from me (other side
> of the world), and need to build a rescue CD for it in case things go
> wrong.
> Unfortunately most bootable linux CDs dont enable things like ssh
> servers, and generally cant be built with static IP addresses into the
> CD image.
> Does anyone know of a bootable distro with these features:
> - *easily* buildable iso with pre-configured ip address
> - ssh service enabled automatically on bootup
> - suitable for headless machines (ie no options to type on bootup)-
> - Doesnt require a floppy to read the (network) config
> I've been looking around quite a lot and so far nothing I've found will
> let me stick the CD into the machine, have it boot and be instantly
> network reachable. (And dhcp is not an option here). Anyone know of
> something I've missed, or an easy way to adapt something like knoppix?

The new Ubuntu LiveCD is designed for easy adaptability. You can mount the
cloop filesystem, install packages, change settings, and run with it. I'm
not immediately sure about static network configuration though, but I can
find out.

- Jeff

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