On Sun Mar 13, 2005 at 16:01:49 +1100, Rod Butcher wrote:
>While I appreciate there is some technical issue involved here, as a PC
>user I expect a tool (like e.g. ls, nautilus or whatever) that professes
>to give me a list of files on a storage medium, to do this for all
>storage media - and to me an audio cd is just that, with one or more
>files or tracks or whatever on it.
>In this case I presume it would be trivial to incorporate whatever
>voodoo cdparanoia uses and make ls display the fact that there is an
>audio file called xyz on the cd I just loaded. Any mount command would
>presumably be doing something quite different than what is done for e.g.
>vfat, but to the user it's all the same.
>What I'm getting at is, it's what it means to the user that matters, not
>what's going on behind the scenes. MS grasped this brilliantly.

I don't disagree. I was talking from a philosphical point of view --
which is what was asked for by Trent in the email to which I was

Now I really don't know much about the details of the track format of
audio cds, however I *do* know that cdparanoia goes through a lot of
black magic to copy an audio track error free.

Thankfully it looks like 2.6.12 might have user-level filesystems,
which should make it much easier to implement something such as you



>On Sun, 2005-03-13 at 12:25 +1100, Benno wrote:
>> On Sun Mar 13, 2005 at 01:32:58 +1000, QuantumG wrote:
>> >Jeff Waugh wrote:
>> >
>> >>Windows is lying a little bit, to give you a nicer interface. Audio CDs are
>> >>not like data CDs, and cannot be mounted.
>> >> 
>> >>
>> >
>> >From a purely philosophical point of view, what would be a good reason 
>> >for not have a kernel module that mounts audio CDs by interpreting the 
>> >red book format?  
>> Well if you have the philosophy of 'only do it in the kernel if you *have*
>> to', then there is no reason to put it in the kernel, as has already been
>> proven it is able to be done quite well at user level.
>> >Seems kind of silly to have code at the application 
>> >level doing this low level interpretation.
>> >From my p.o.v it seems silly to have thi kind of code in the kernel
>> when clearly it can be done just as well at user-level.
>> Benno
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