On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 10:56 pm, Nicholas Tomlin wrote:
> Hello sluggers,
> Does any one know where to lay their hands on a printer driver for the
> above?
> tks
> Nick.

Hi Nick,

I've found the Lexmark marketing department seem to get excited about new 
"models" and give them a different model number, but for all intents and 
purposes the printer is pretty much the same as it's base model number.  
For instance a Lexmark 1100 is (probably) pretty much the same as the 1150.  
Having said that, yours might be an exception to the rule as I'm not 
familiar with your *specific* model.  My comments are based on a long 
history working with the "Optra" lasers.

OK, disclaimer out of the way, see if you get any mileage from this:


Even though they raised the rate for first class mail in the United States 
we really shouldn't complain -- it's still only two cents a day.

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