Thank you all

Here is a summary of how it all went.

1. Roger Barnes:
Can you not simplay add \l (force next element to lowercase) in your

Yes - its works fine. My version of sed is the GNU one 4.1.2. The /l works perfectly. Its not mentioned in the man pages for sed but it is mentioned in the info pages which I abhor :-)

3. Daniel Bush
Suggested a perl script:
cat titles.html | perl -ne 'm/\.html">([^,]{1,}),/; $name=lc($1); $_ =~ s/\.html">/\.html#$name">/; print "$_";'

Yep that worked too. I tend to use perl for web stuff and don't do enough one liners like the above. It's neat.

3. Tatsuo Sekine
Suggested to grab the letter, then transliterate (what a wonderful word) it using y/[A-Z]/[a-z]/, then append it to the end of this thing called hold space with a H and then swap the contents of the hold apace and the pattern space using the x (exchange operator).
Well I have certainly learn something there :-)
Oh it worked fine too.

Caveats: In the html authors file there were some hyphenated names like Aldrich-Wright and some names with blanks like De Deckker. Each of the above methods, coupled with my the regex I use results in a few things to fix manually, but its only about 6 to do.
In the titles file there was one author per table row and
cat titles | grep '<tr>' | wc -l
showed there were 541 rows.

You have saved me hours of work and I have some sed and perl snippets to save away in my HTML help file I :-)
Thanks all.

Michael Lake
Chemistry, Materials & Forensic Science, UTS
Ph: 9514 1725 Fx: 9514 1460
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