<quote who="Elliott-Brennan">
> For those who are interested and haven't heard about this.

> David Zamos, a student in the US was being sued by M$ for selling an
> unopened, unused packet containing their OS, after trying to get his
> money back from them - his letter on this site clearly explains what
> happened. They've dropped their suit, but his counter-suit is ongoing.
> http://www.prfree.com/index.php?cur=index&action=preview&id=23563&old=aW5kZXhbYWN0aW9uPW5ld3MmbW9kZT10b2RheV0=
> All he wants is an apology and they won't oblige. Obviously it's not
> only here that 'sorry' is a word that will never pass the lips.

according to my plucked 'the register', the case has been settled already
on confidential terms
he also wanted back money paid at kinko's to print his documentation

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