On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 10:03 am, Michael Fox wrote:
> On Apr 5, 2005 8:11 AM, James Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'd believe those stats too.  I work 6 floors up in Pitt St (between
> > Bathurst and Park Sts if anyone wants to know) and I can use 3 different,
> > totally open WiFi networks that are not mine :)  Thanks to 'Gill' (SSID)
> > I recently downloaded the next release candidate for Kubuntu and some
> > up-coming episodes of Stargate Atlantis :P  War drive the CBD sometime -
> > it's just plain scarey!
> Nice.
> Drive around most suburbs. I found several in my area (and could even
> get to the router running the adsl link as people left default
> passwords on the equipment)
> I am about to hook up my WRT to a private nic on my linux box. Then
> configure VPN server and disable WEP and WPA on WRT. So people will
> think wow unsecure. But will get no further then my linux box nic, and
> then i can use it and vpn authenticate and get onto the internal of my
> network (otherside of firewalled linux box/nic).
> Think I need another WRT :)

Sounds similar to what I do at home: put the access point in its own DMZ with 
separate subnet (10.66.6.x <- the '666' was intentional) then just firewall 
the MAC addresses I have, and run IPsec (VPN essentially) between wireless 
devices and the Linux box.

(In keeping with sigmonster's religious theme...)

James 2:12 "No one comes to the LAN except by IPsec and lo, if I catch a stray 
MAC address, thou shalt be severely firewalled".


Hail to the sun god
He sure is a fun god
Ra!  Ra!  Ra!
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