Thanks Martin!! Very helpful


-----Original Message-----
Of Visser, Martin
Sent: Thursday, 7 April 2005 9:19 AM
Subject: RE: FW: [SLUG] Possible hacker Attempt

Unfortunately a buffer-overflow is not only a Microsoft problem.

In simple terms, it occurs where an attacker is able to exploit a
programming flaw that allows a program to accept more data then it is
really designed for. Most programs that accept input from the network
(or other input device) will prepare a buffer, some memory space, to
accept that input. If the program is written correctly it should
validate the input or use other some mechnanism to ensure the input does
not exceed the size of the allocated buffer. However, in certain program
architectures, data that is accepted which is more than the buffer can
handle could overwrite existing program data. If this excess data is
craftily designed,  the program can be "tricked" to then execute this
excess data (which is now not just data, but now part of the compromised
programs instructions) and will run with the priveleges of the exploited
program. The excess data is a small chunk of compiled code specifically
designed to run on the target platform - it is usually caused by
inserting a "jump" in the normal code instructions.

In the Code Red example below the attacker is sending a GET request to a
web server. In a vulnerable IIS web server, the URL specified in the
request is much larger than it expected. This data ends up in the web
servers running program space, and is executed by the target system.
The Code Red worm can then do it's job to continue to seek and replicate
itself.  Code Red of course only can affect unpatched vulnerable IIS

Of course, there have been plenty of buffer overflows identified in
Linux based applications, Microsoft-based systems are just a bigger (and
presumably more lucrative) target. Most program development projects
actively check their code for the possibility of buffer-overflows -
hopefully they find the holes before potential attackers do. There is
also work being done on various hardware and software architectures that
limit the ability of unauthorised code to execute on a platform.

 For the average user, provided you limit your internet facing profile
using a firewall configured to only let necessary traffic in , and are
vigilant in patching your systems, you are as safe as you can be.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Howard Lowndes
Sent: Thursday, 7 April 2005 7:30 AM
To: Phill
Subject: Re: FW: [SLUG] Possible hacker Attempt

Phill wrote:
> I am also curious. How does this attack work? I understand the idea of

> filling up a buffer with junk but then....

As Gottfried said, on Linux it doesn't work, but on IIS it causes a
buffer overflow which then allows uncontrolled access for the exploit -
or something like that - I don't pay btoo much attention to Microsoft
type problems.

> Regards,
> Phill
> -----Original Message-----
> Of Gottfried Szing
> Sent: Thursday, 7 April 2005 1:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [SLUG] Possible hacker Attempt
> hi
>>"GET /default.ida?X...(lots of X's)...X
> HTTP/1.0"
>>404 300 "-" "-"
> isn't that the code red worm? still in the wild?
>>"SEARCH /\x90\x02\xb1\...... ("x02\xb1\" repeats hundreds of times)
>>.........\ x02\xb1\x90\...(repeats hundreds of
>>times)...\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90" 414 341 "-" "-"
> AFAIR this is an request that uses an exploit of the IIS and webdav
> component (unchecked buffer).
> but as long as you don't have IIS and windows running, nothing to fear
> about. both attacks works with IIS only and can be ignored on apache.
> are just annoying (messing up the logs) but they cannot compromise the
> system.
> cu
> --
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