Morning Sluggers,

This weekend (the 16th and 17th) ComputerBank Sydney is relocating from is current premises at Seven Hills into semi permanent premises at Casula.

This is a large job as Seven Hills is very full at the moment so we'll need as much volunteer help as we can possibly get.

This is very important for ComputerBank both in Sydney and across NSW and is the precursor to a number of new ventures and intiatives. Moving into our new premises will enable us to make a start on these and a number of other projects that have stlled whilst we've had storage problems. So if you've been putting off getting involved or coming along to an event now is defnitely the time to help out.

For those of you who are unaware what ComputerBank does, in simple terms ComputerBank takes donated machines and wipes and refurbishes them, installs Linux on them and gives them away to deserving community organisations and individuals and effort to close the gap between the haves and the have-nots as far as technology and access to it goes.

More details about the weekend (and the days leading up to it) will be available shortly but the barebones details are as follows.

Days: Saturday and Sunday 16th and 17th April
Time: Starting 9am BOTH days
Location: Multiple locations but the two main locations will be Seven Hills and Casula.

Seven Hills
Unit 32
195 Prospect Highway
Seven Hills
(opposite Lucas road - North of train station)

Casula Powerhouse
1 Casula Rd
(Right alongside Casula train station)

If you are even thinking about possibly making it please email me and let me know so as to help with resource allocation.

Also if anyone on the list has a heavy vehicle drivers license and is able to help out on the weekend or knows anyone that has one and can please email me and let me know.

More details to follow


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