Howard Lowndes wrote:

Much the same effect as the colorbond fence between myself and my neighbours place - say "Faraday cage".

If this is their WAP, then the next time they have problem, suggest putting it on a shelf high in the room {:-)

I actually have a w1nd0ws <hack, spit, cough splutter> boxen currently enjoying the benefits of such a location over a similar fence {:-).

Sigh, I must be a softy as I've been slowly reeling in Junior from next door that it is HIS WAP I've hacked[1] (someone must have reset the boxen and not put in the admin and encryption this time).

[1] as in fired up the lappy and looked at the signals I can see and tried them all. One very weak (my WAP is broken atm), one very strong. Then boxen says it is a NUTCASE. Oh, look up manual online for Nutcase and try default login. Bingo. sigh and I was looking forward to maybe a little challenge.

Terry Collins {:-)}}} email: terryc at www:
Wombat Outdoor Adventures <Bicycles, Computers, GIS, Printing, Publishing>

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