Simon wrote:

My understanding is that Curriculums need approval as well.

These basically come from the "standards" or whatever it is called. Apparently there are binders of them all that you can buy.

Bit vague, but is on s.....bzzzzt

Okay, found it. The Australian National Training Authority puts out outlines of Competency. I have one

BSBCMN213A Produce simple wordprocessed documents

3 elements 1 use safe work practices(3), 2 Confirm document requirments(2) & 3 Produce documents(6)

{n} is the number of performance criteria to be met for each

and it goes on for another five pages of Range statement (3 pages 12 items), Evidence guide (1.5 pages, the stuff you collect to show you gave the training required to keep your arse safe) and 0.5 pages on "Key Competency Levels.

You basically combine a number of these to make up your certificate.

In short, once you get your head around the paperwork, you can start.

The evidence guide (final project?) for my Cert Iv took as long as the course (5 days).
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