I tried this as well, having boot troubles. Can't interact with "I" or "control 

I described the trouble earlier. No luck yet, any more tip maybe...

Thanks a lot.

Alternativly, does anyone know some shop who does little linux repairs like 
this one? I have not even any luck there, every shop I call seems to do only 
Win stuff. But there is another Software giant coming up, now that Adobe bought 
Macromedia out...

Cheers, Dimitri

Hi all,
I have a RH system V9 which is hanging during boot at 'Mounting SMB
Filesystems' we have left it for over 48 hours and it still does not
progress. However it still responds to CTRL_ALT_DEL to re-boot, so is
their another command I can hit on the keyboard to tell it to skip this
part of the boot and keep going? I don't seem to be able to get the "I"
for Interactive setup happening either - it just boots normally.

Mike MacCana wrote:

Michael Fox wrote:

On 4/18/05, Simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,
I have a RH system V9 which is hanging during boot at 'Mounting SMB
Filesystems' we have left it for over 48 hours and it still does not
progress. However it still responds to CTRL_ALT_DEL to re-boot, so is
their another command I can hit on the keyboard to tell it to skip this
part of the boot and keep going? I don't seem to be able to get the "I"
for Interactive setup happening either - it just boots normally.


That won't work.

Boot normally. You don't need rescue mode.

When it says 'Welcome to Red Hat Linux, press I for interactive startup', press I (a few times).

Then you'll be prompted for each service that starts.

Say yes to every service except 'netfs' - that's the one with the problem. Then continue normally.

To disable netfs starting in future, run 'chkconfig netfs off'.

But better yet, you should simply fix netfs. You can do this by looking at /etc/fstab, where a Windows share is being mounted by your Linux machine. Maybe the Windows machien isn't connected anymore or has changed in some way. Fix the fix as appropriate.


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