i have an ext2 partition that used to be /home

during an upgrade that partition was accidently formatted. the data is still
(mostly) on the raw partition ('cat /dev/hda4 | strings' shows up my data)
but the root inode doesn't know about it. i haven't done anything further to
the partition other than to make a backup using dd.

anyone know of any tools to rescue the data?

i tried e2retrieve (http://www.guzu.net/linux/e2retrieve.php), e2undel
(http://e2undel.sourceforge.net/) and e2salvage
(http://e2salvage.sourceforge.net/) but none of them compile properly under
the latest gcc (ver 3.3.5-1 / ubuntu hoary).

any help would be appreciated.


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Until it was too late, too late
But if I ever needed you
Would you be there?

"It's Too Late" - The Streets
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