Steve Kowalik wrote:

>On Fri, 03 Jun 2005 20:02:06 +1200, Adam Bogacki uttered
>>Sorry for the delayed reply,
>>You were right about syslog. Two lines had been deleted in the 'action' part
>>of the default syslog.conf file. Problem solved.
>>But ndtpd still won't install, output below.
>But it's still the same problem. syslog-facility is still the command
>that fails. I've had a look at it, and it's a fairly simple Perl
>script that should only die in a few places ...
Thanks. I've had a look at '/usr/sbin/syslog-facility' .. the only
modifiable part is the line

> my $conf_file = '/etc/syslog.conf';

I've unsuccessfully looked for a default version via Google, man page,
and text ["Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 Unleashed" (SAMS, 1999)] but without
something to
compare it with, I can't see the error.

Also, on checking the output line

> + syslog-facility set info /var/log/ndtpd.log

I find that /var/log/ndtpd.log is empty.

I think I'm missing something here.


> # GNU General Public License for more details.
> #
> # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
> # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
> my $conf_file = '/etc/syslog.conf';
> ## BUGS :
> #  . This script doesn't know about multi-lines configuration (ie with
> '\')
> #  . With a line like that "mail,local0.* /anything"
> #    "syslog-facility remove local0" would remove the entire line
> #    => should not be a problem since lines installed by this script
> #    cannot use such syntax
> ##
> ## Nothing to modify after this line ##
> my $command = lc(shift);
> usage() if ($command !~ /^(?:set|remove)$/);
> usage() if (not scalar(@ARGV));
> if ($command eq "set")
> {
> 13,1          10%

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