Matthew Palmer wrote:
On Mon, Jul 04, 2005 at 02:08:56PM +1000, Michael Lake wrote:

The problem was many and varied. For a start a Debian upgrade some time ago had added the following lines to my httpd conf file:
# Please keep this LoadModule: line here, it is needed for installation.
Include /etc/apache-perl/modules.conf
Include /etc/apache/modules.conf

Mistake!: I'm running apache-perl and not apache and it was including two module.conf files which were slightly different. Thats why I was getting errors like "module config_log_module is already loaded, skipping" I commented out the include for /etc/apache/modules.conf and restarted apache-perl.

Out of curiousity, why are you running apache-perl and not apache with
mod_perl?  I've never seen the attraction, myself (or for apache-ssl,
either).  I've heard speed mentioned, but I've never seen any stats to
support it, so I put it in the Gentoo bucket <grin>.

Actually I find it all very confusing sometimes. I have three machines
and what I have on them is the following Debian packages:

An Athlon             A Laptop               A Virtual Server
---------             --------               ----------------
apache-perl           apache                 apache-perl
libapache-mod-perl    libapache-mod-perl     libapache-mod-perl

(In Debian libapache-mod-perl is a prerequisite for apache-perl.)

I also needed to manually add "LoadModule auth_mysql_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/" to the modules.conf file cause for some reason "/usr/sbin/apache-modconf apache-perl" updated modules.conf but didn't add the required line.

A lack of properly formed -info file would cause apache-modconf to not see
the module, I believe.
The info file looked ok and it came with the libapache-mod-perl package.
Later I'll have a closer look at it on each of the three machines.

But now it seems the interface has changed. Even Crypt has changed to Encrypted!

I think you were using a non-Debian-packaged edition of mod-auth-mysql.
3.2-1 (the version in Woody) doesn't have the AMCryptedPasswords option
(Auth_MySQL_Encrypted_Passwords is the equivalent).
Correct. I started off with that a few years ago - I was compiled and added in manually. At some time it got replaced with the Debian package.

There's lots of
different mod-auth-mysql modules out there, each with New! and Interesting!
configuration directives, and mod-auth-mysql has a tortured and fractured
history overall.  Feed me beer at a Spice Boys meet and I'll give you the
whole sorry, bitter tale.
Okies - that would be interesting. I didn't realise that there were more than one. That means I should see what one is in the Debian package....

Package: libapache-mod-auth-mysql
Maintainer: Matthew Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: i386
Version: 4.3.9-2

Oh ! Matthew Palmer :-)

There is a mod_auth_mysql at
Originally by Vivek Kheraby and maintained there by
Jerry Stuckle, Matthew Hodgson & Samuel Brauer

Where is the Debian one sourced from Matt ?

(apt-cache show libapache-mod-auth-mysql | grep ^Maintainer <grin>)
Yeah I see, :-)

Michael Lake
Chemistry, Materials & Forensic Science, UTS
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