Hi all

I have just got mutt & nullmailer working together so that my domain name, from 
etc works but the nullmailer does not send the messages in its queue
until I run nullmailer-send.

man nullmailer says...

" When  the  program  starts, the queue is scanned to build a list of
  messages to send.  The queue is rescanned when either the trigger is
  pulled,  or  after pausetime  seconds  have elapsed  after  the  last
  failed delivery.  When there are no messages in the queue, nullmailer
  does no rescanning until the trigger is pulled.  Pulling the  trigger
  consists  of opening  up the trigger named pipe and writing a single
  byte to it, which causes this program to be awakened (if it's not
  already processing the queue).  This procedure is done by
  nullmailer-queue to ensure that messages are delivered immediately. "

" pausetime
  The  number  of  seconds to pause between successive queue runs when
  there are messages in the queue (defaults to 60).  If this is set  to
  0,  nullmailer-send  will exit immediately after going through the
  queue once (one-shot mode)."

When I send with mutt the email appears in the queue
/var/spool/nullmailer/queue and sits there unless I run as root


casteret:/var/spool/nullmailer# nullmailer-send
Rescanning queue.
Starting delivery, 2 message(s) in queue.
Starting delivery: protocol: smtp host: mail.myisp.net.au file:
smtp: Succeeded: 250 2.0.0 j69C6ZGZ032101 Message accepted for delivery
Sent file.

It seems that I have nullmailer-send running as daemon: 

casteret:/etc/init.d# ps ax | grep null
 7855 pts/2  S  0:00 /usr/sbin/nullmailer-send -d
 7856 pts/2  S  0:00 /usr/lib/nullmailer/smtp -d -s mail.myisp.net.au

But I can wait and wait and it never sends..... 

I would like it to send as soon as a message gets into the queue when Im



Mike Lake
Caver, Linux enthusiast and interested in anything technical.
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