On Fri, 15 Jul 2005 11:32 pm, Ken Foskey wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-07-15 at 09:58 +1000, James Gray wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Slightly off-topic, but I figured there's probably someone here who has
> > done this.  First, a little background.  Our corporate mail filter
> > system blocks password protected zip files.  The rationale is that if
> > we can't check it for viruses, you don't get to see it either. 
> > However, there *IS* an exception - if your message is encrypted
> > (GPG/PGP, etc) we will let it through - it's very unlikely to be
> > virused (yet).
> As you know there is gpg available for download off the gnupg.org site.
> There is also a batch program that will email a file, fairly simple I
> can find the link from work.
> So if you want you could set them up with gpg and windows batch script
> that they double click and run the emails all the files out of a
> specific directory.  This probably would not be incredibly hard.
> The trick then is can you actually get them to install the software.
> I did a quick google and found this:
> http://www3.gdata.de/gpg/
> Ken

Hi Ken,

Thanks for that.  I found that Outlook plug-in but it seems to have been 
fairly static since 2002.  I guess it shouldn't matter really if it's just 
a front-end.  I'm investigating it as a possibility for our local users.

As for the suggestion, thank you :)  It's very close to what we ended up 
doing.  I put them onto the WinPT package over at SourceForge and managed 
to get them to encrypt the file we needed with my public key and their 
private key etc.  Worked well :)  So well in fact, I got an e-mail from 
them today saying they are rolling out WinPT across their network and 
providing training - passworded zips are gone apparently ;)  Woot!

The things that impressed them were:
- simplicity
- security (both in transit and at the destination)
- only the intended recipient can decrypt the file
- any changes in transit result in failed signatures (no file is better than
  a corrupt one; it was a bunch of serial numbers for their products)

So another win for F/OSS!  Yay for WinPT and yay for me :)

Thanks again Ken.


Your aim is high and to the right.

Attachment: pgpogoRMalCtv.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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