On Wed, 17 Aug 2005 11:56, Jeff Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <quote who="Sridhar Dhanapalan">
> > Also, are there any security implications of this? Doesn't it mean that
> > in a default setup, any local user can gain root access? Please correct
> > me if I'm wrong.
> Absolutely not. Have a look at /etc/sudoers to see the configuration. In
> warty, it gave full sudo access to the initial user created. In hoary, it
> gives full sudo access to members of the admin group (which the initial
> user is a member of).
> There is a FAQ about using sudo on the Ubuntu site (disconnected atm, so
> can't give you the URL), which discusses some of the security issues. It
> comes down to the fact that using sudo is highly recommended generally,
> we've just chosen to make that the default configuration.

Being involved in the PCLinuxOS project, and being impressed with 
Ubuntu's/Mac's implementation of sudo, I decided to propose to the PCLinuxOS 
mailing list that we implement a similar setup. Apart from a couple of 
people, most have responded with jeers and even suspicion. One other 
developer even accused me of pimping for Ubuntu/Apple, despite the fact that 
I'm one of the oldest contributors to the project (not to mention being an 

The most annoying thing is that most people on that list have no idea what I'm 
talking about, yet they feel the need to put in their (totally uninformed) 

Does anyone have any information I can say in support of an Ubuntu-style sudo 
over standard su?


Sridhar Dhanapalan  [Yama | http://www.pclinuxonline.com/]
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"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls 
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