<quote who="Terry Collins">

> Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > > What brain dead idiot decided to make Konquerer the default browser?
> > > and then to make it "windows like"?
> >
> > > The is no way Linux is ever going to conquer the desktop with crud
> > > like this.
> >
> > Hey, c'mon, it may have annoyed you a bit this time, but it's good stuff
> > (even if you don't enjoy using it).
> Keep dreaming.

I will. Given what we've [1] achieved so far, there is a very solid future
of improvement and excellence ahead. I personally like to see users report
that things are broken - demonstrates that people are actually using them,
and that we know what to fix.

- Jeff

[1] the FOSS desktop projects in general, though I do tend to vouch for one
in particular :-)

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