On Mon, Sep 12, 2005 at 10:36:36AM +1000, O Plameras wrote:
> Different persons have different yard sticks  for deciding whether to 
>  TRUST or NOT TRUST mirrors.

Er, if you get the gpg key from a trusted site, then download the
packages from the mirror you don't HAVE to trust the mirror.
(as long as you believe gpg / yum / apt is not broken)

There are many instances of not only mirrors but master sites
of FOSS software being hacked into.  I've never heard of a successful
man-in-the-middle attack against yum/apt/gpg.

Still I sort of agree with you that getting the gpg key from a
know 'trusted' mirror like planetmirror is not a huge risk.

I would at least check the finger print of the key
against the master site or google.

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