
Ok so fresh from my success at getting my data logger working with unWired DHCP I'm trying to get it to respond to a remote dial up.

The logger has a GSM modem in it and kermit and getty, but not mgetty or agetty. Getty is in fact a symbolic link to /bin/tinylogin

If I fire up kermit

  set line /dev/ttyS2
  set speed 38400
  set carrier-watch off

and wait, then go to my other box and ring the logger's GSM modem, it connects up fine and what I type on my desktop appears on the logger's kermit session, and vice versa. So far so good.

But then I edit /etc/inittab and add this entry

S2:3:/sbin/getty 38400 ttyS2 vt100

and do a telinit Q

When I dial in now I get scribble on the desktops screen


which appears to respond to my enter keys etc not sure. I.E I think that the getty is sending Login:, Password: etc but looks like it's scrambled, maybe a baud rate problem? But I've set 38400 as one of the getty options. Maybe the getty supplied with the box just isn't good enough? Do I need to have mgetty? (Which isn't on the box and will require a cross-compile).


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