Ta Mike.

I must admit, I'm not au fai with the technology and so am not aware of the issues around RealPlayer, and (to further compound and display my ignorance) know nothing about Flash video (not even sure I'd know it if I fell over it :))) Ogg audio I've heard of (no pun intended) but, again, know nothing of the arguments for/against Ogg video or audio.

Thanks for the info though.



Mike MacCana wrote:
I'd suggest they use Flash video.

- Native Linux, Mac and Windows clients
- Everyone hates Real / Helixplayer, for good reason
- Sorenson isn't an open format, but neither is Real SMH aren't gonna do
Ogg video, due to poor player uptake
- Better quality than real


On Thu, 2005-09-15 at 11:22 +1000, elliott-brennan wrote:

Hi all,

Thought I'd post an update regarding the problems I experienced using RealPlayer on the www.smh.com.au site.

After a collection of e-mail to SMH, I've received NO response, other than the first e-mail in which they gave me another address to which to forward the coding that Firefox provided for their site.

I've found that if I change the settings on F'fox to cause it to pretend it is IE - then go to the SMH site, it then says it cannot identify the my default media player and then asks me to choose from RealPlayer and WMP. If I then select RP, everything is fine. Well!

Interestingly the current news video from SMH is not available in RealPlayer - I've tried it with Winders too and I get a message saying that "Unfortunately the media you are attempting to play is not currently available (sic) in your chosen format. Please choose another", then provides me with five (5) WMP options (LOL) - though in truth they are five connection speeds ranging from 17 Kb/s to 600 Kb/s.

Older video is still available in RealPlayer.

Obviously something going on for them.

Thanks to all who responded to my request for assistance and those who wrote to SMH.



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