Grant Parnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered the following thing:
> For starters what apps do you tend to use the most?
> Here's my top 10 list in order of use:-
> gnome-terminal

I stick with Eterm - smaller footprint.

> firefox (squirrelmail,google)


> nautilus

Don't use any "file managers" at all. Purely command line for all my
file manipulation.

> xv (old, small image viewer)

Yessssssss!! In the 11 (yes eleven) years since its last release, I have
found nothing to be faster, smaller or more convenient than XV. The
keybindings are fast and it's a lot faster and easier than loading up
gimp for very basic image manipulation functions.

My only two gripes are that its alpha support is limited and a mouse
scroll wheel doesnt work in listboxes. Otherwise it's classic software.

> gimp

For when xv isnt good enough :)

> xmms

For when I need a pretty gui, otherwise it's mpg123/321 all the way.

> grip

Yep - agreed here. It just works and is simple.

Others on my list of oft-used gui software:

- gaim
- cinelerra (like unix, a b**ch to learn but then very powerful video
- xten softphone (not free but i've had bad issues with all the free


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