On 9/28/05, James Polley
> On 9/28/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That will get him a Ubuntu system, not a Debian system.
> > As much as Ubuntu is "based" on Debian, you are limited to Ubuntu's
> > world and can't practically install packages from Debian.
> Not true.
> Ubuntu by default has a (disabled) repository called "Universe" which
> contains all the packages in the standard debian tree..

I'm aware of this repository - as far as I understand this is basically lots of
Debian packages compiled for Ubuntu.
>From my experience, even with this repository enabled (and I suppose there is
a reason why it's not enabled by default) on 5.04 I was missing the integration
that equivalent debian packages provided. See in
http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components what Ubuntu promises about
the level of support and guarentee that things from this repository will work.

As I said before - I didn't do a research about it - I just installed
Ubunutu 5.04
and though I liked many things I didn't feel "at home" with it. It
wasn't a "Debian
replacement". Maybe it got better since then (a few months ago).


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