Matthew Hannigan wrote:
On Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 06:40:58AM +1000, Jamie Honan wrote:

I have a problem with the original 'kissed a girl' posting.

Superficially it looks amusing. In fact it is an ad hominem
attack on Dave Miller.

I thought it was hilarious.
It never occurred to me think that it was meant in
a mean way, or that Dave Miller took at as such.

After seeing Bryan's talk last night I'm even
more sure that this was the case!  A great, humourous
presenter who really knows his stuff.

Rather than reply to Dave's detailed points, he attempts to ridicule

I saw it as an _acknowledgement_ that Dave had
excellent points by admitting he had no substantive

A great talker maybe but when he has no substantive comeback he attempts a personal attack. Not nice.
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