Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:

Hi all,

Is it possible to get the vncserver program to export the :0 display
of a system running X? My mother-in-law is having a few minor problems
with her email client (Sylpheed under Gnome) and I was hoping to help
her out.

No need to go to all that bother, just use ssh, you can tunnel X through
ssh. It slows things down a bit, but if you just want to run the mail
client, then that shouldn't be an issue.

To do this just run this command


Then you can launch an application, and it will run on your screen.
Just so you know, the -CX means, compress, and allow X forwarding.
Be sure that the X is a capital, lower case x, prevents X forwarding.
This is how I use gui apps remotely, never actually tried a vnc (never
had the need) so can't really give a comparison, but ssh does the job
quite nicely for me.


Oh by the way -- Sylpheed, YUCK !! why not just use Thunderbird? much nicer.

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