On Fri, 11 Nov 2005 08:21:33 +1100, Peter Rundle uttered
> Did anyone get any joy on this?
> I've tried to run VMware 5.0.0-13124 but as others have found out the 
> network modules panic the kernel. Tried the old VMware 2.0.4 but again 
> same issue. (I'm running kernel 2.6.11-smp) Don't feel like  going 
> through the pain of down grading the kernel. For my needs I think I can 
> get by using NAT'ed network access. If anyone has got this working, then 
> I'll have another go.
You could also search for the vmware-any-any patches, and patch your
copy of VMWare Workstation 5. I have had to do this a couple of times
with VMWare Workstation 2, 3 and 4 when the VMWare modules refuse to
compile against the kernel I'm running.

If it (dieting) was like a real time strategy game, I'd have loaded a save
game from ten years ago.
         - Greg, Columbia Internet
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